A Day in the Life

A Photoblog by Joel


October 16, 2019

Fall is here, days are short, and sometimes the moon is big and bright well into the morning.


October 16, 2019

I stumbled across a fellow Fuji photographer’s blog today that has spent a lot of time creating in-camera film “recipes” for classic film stock. Did that make sense? Probably not. Fuji cameras create amazing JPG’s, and give you a ton of creative choices to output in many different styles. Here is my attempt at Ilford HP5 Plus 400 B&W according to this recipe.

Elle sitting in a chair watching TV in Black and White
ISO 51,200, Acros Y, Fuji X-T20 // 23 1.4 @ 1.4

Growing Up

October 10, 2019

Time passes too quickly, and these little people seem to be staying little but the data suggests otherwise. Both are over an inch taller since April. It’s not fair, it’s just not fair!

Sunday Portraits

October 6, 2019


October 2, 2019

Emmet really enjoyed the first half of his soccer season. They’re on break until the spring now. In his last game he scored his 3rd goal and was so excited. He also spent the entire game chewing on that string from the waistband of his shorts.

Elle Fashion

September 27, 2019

Elle’s birthday is coming up in just a few days, and yesterday she wanted to spend some of her birthday money that she got from Grandma. Alicia took her shopping and let her pick out a few lovely fashion accessories. ❤️

Elle looks off to the side while modeling her new barratte and fanny-pack


September 21, 2019

Congratulations Trent & Mae

September 20, 2019

Shadows and Light

September 19, 2019

I recently bought the Rokinon 85mm 1.8 lens for Fuji X. I’ve been missing this focal length ever since I sold off my Canon gear and parted with my 135 F2L. On the Fuji systems 85mm becomes the equivalent of 135 so it’s exactly what I’ve been wanting. One caveat to this though is this lens is completely manual – aperture and focus. Thankfully on mirrorless cameras like my Fuji you get some fantastic digital peaking in the viewfinder that shows you exactly what will be in focus so it’s not too difficult. Moving targets are a little hard to keep up with but stationary/posing is super easy. Tonight I managed to get several good shots of the kids with the evening light in the playroom and out on a walk.

Emmett peeking over a chain-link fence
Emmett looking off to the side
A very close up of Elle looking down
Elle looking down illuminated by the sun on a dark background
Emily up very close

Today in Black and White

September 7, 2019