A Day in the Life

A Photoblog by Joel

Emmett’s Shop

November 24, 2018

While Alicia and Elle were putting the toys away in the playroom, Emmett was sneaking some away to the front room so he could set up his shop. (Originally he kept referring to it as his restaurant.). It was so cute. 

Emmett stands in his "shop" that he set up in our front room

New lens, who dis?

November 23, 2018

I kinda went on a shopping spree lately. Oops. I blame it on the 50-60 hour work weeks I’ve been pulling for the last 2 months. Wake up at 6/6:30 and take Sho to the bus stop. Then work on 460 from 7-8:30. Then go to work at SQRD from 9-5. Come home, have dinner and put the kids to bed, and then back to 460 from 8-11. Repeat. So, I bought a few things. A new vacuum sealer (how exciting!), a new lens (actually exciting!), and a HomePod which I shouldn’t have bought. — On Black Friday Costco and Best Buy had them for $250 ($100 off). Alicia was out shopping and I told her how badly I wanted one, and she said “if you get it consider it your Christmas” and I waited about 15 minutes before I went and got it. In the meantime she went to Best Buy and got one too. I feel like a putz. I should have waited until Christmas. I don’t regret the HomePod itself though, it’s pretty cool. Now I just need more HomeKit things in my house to take better advantage of Siri. 

Anyway, this post is about the Rokinon 12mm F2 lens that I bought – it’s very wide angle. And also very manual. Which is fine. Set the aperture to F5.6 + and everything comes out sharp. Here’s a few photos I took on Black Friday at the mall with the kids. 

An ultra-wide angle view of Provo Canyon from University Place in Orem, Utah
Emmett pushes the merry-go-round at University Place in Orem Utah

Birthday Revisited

November 17, 2018

Most days our playroom is a disaster. Toys of every variety are everywhere, all over the room and too often around the house. Saturday was a rare day where it was all clean and organized. Emmett wanted to revisit the train that he picked out for his birthday. It took about 10 minutes to find all the tracks in all the boxes and places they had been put away. Elle wanted to play her usual part of destroyer. 

Emmett looks down at his battery-powered train before setting it loose
Elle watches Emmett run his battery-powered train
Elle smiles as she watches Emmett's train crash.

Emmett’s LEGO Truck

November 11, 2018

Emmett loves building things out of anything he has access to, he is so imaginative and creative. I love it! He loves getting LEGO sets and building them right away, but soon they get broken up and then he goes and creates his own things. He love trucks and trailers, at any given time he has several trucks pulling around trailers with other cars on top or parts inside. I love it. So much. 

Emmett shows off the LEGO truck that he built on his own, no plans.
Emmett's LEGO truck

I should probably mention that his stories have a tendency to get a little out of control. His imagination really goes wild. I also love that he found a piece that looks like a transmission and drive shafts. I actually have no idea how he’s even aware those parts exist on a car. 

Elle Paints

November 11, 2018
Elle paints with her watercolors at the kitchen table.
Elle paints with her watercolors at the kitchen table.
Elle paints with her watercolors at the kitchen table.

All Star

November 11, 2018
Emmett looking to the right with the light on his face.

Fall (Incomplete)

November 8, 2018
A Land Cruiser FJ40 sits covered in leaves.
Another spring and summer have come and gone, and the Cruiser still sits. I’m ready to just pay someone to finish this up for me. I’ve got the wiring harness started, only about 10% done there. All it needs is probably 5-6 hours of work there and it’s done. I just don’t have 5-6 hours that I can donate to the cause. #sigh

Elle (Classic Chrome)

November 7, 2018

Pumpkin Carving: 2018 Edition

October 30, 2018
Alicia, Emmett, and Elle are carving pumpkins
Emmett's Pumpkin blueprint
This kid loves eyes on pumpkins. Or maybe he just loves drawing circles. Either way, all his pumpkins had a lot of eyes to cut out. I love it so much. His creativity is great.
Emmett draws the eyes on his pumpkin
Emmett's finished pumpkin
The finished product
Alicia and Elle are looking at their pumpkin.
Elle holds her pumpkin
Emmett holds his pumpkin
Emmett draws a new pumpkin plan, while Sho carves his pumpkin
Emmett holds up another pumpkin blueprint.
Emmett wanted to draw a hi-fidelity pumpkin blueprint. Once again… lots of eyes.
All the family pumpkins
From left to right – Elle/Mom, Emmett/Dad, Sho, Mom.
An artsy close-up of the pumpkins

Temporary Tats

October 27, 2018

This afternoon was a quiet one. I was taking a shot break in bad, half asleep. Alicia had just finished feeding the kids and was getting ready for the day. When she came into the bedroom I inquired about the kids. She said it’s quiet so Emmett probably found the TV remotes and put on a show. 

Well. She was wrong. Emmett had found the craft box with markers and scissors. He was making Elle look cool by drawing on her arms (including writing her name on her forearm) and giving her a haircut. The joys of creative children!

Elle folds her arms that are covered in marker scratches and looks at the camera for me.
I had Elle cross her ams in this pose to make sure she looked extra cool.