A Day in the Life

A Photoblog by Joel

Sick Baby

November 25, 2018

Elle has had a little bug the past several nights. Some of those nights were pretty rough, and Alicia did most of the heavy lifting. Okay, pretty much all. I hopped up once to help. Last night, however, went smoothly… until about 4:45am when Emmett came in to tell me his blanket was all messed up. So I went and tucked him back in, and then he talked and said Elle had a wet diaper, to which she popped up “dad?”, so I changed her diaper. And then I was up every 15-20 minutes after that for one cry or another, eventually getting Elle out of bed at 6am so Emmett could sleep. This morning, I’m tired. 

Elle sits in front of the window with a blank stare.
After about an hour she wanted to sit in her favorite spot and watch a show, but she did not want her picture taken. So I had to sneak a few in
Elle watches Paw Patrol Train Shows
After Bubble Guppies, and about 2 minutes of My Neighbor Totoro, Elle wanted to get back in the chair to watch PAW Patrol Train Shows on the big iPad.

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