April 30, 2020
About a week or so ago I finally decided to spend the whole 5 minutes it would take to remove the training wheels from Emmett’s bike. Based on how well he did on the little Strider bike and his confidence on a Razor scooter I knew his balance was fine.
After just one or two little helps to get started he was off the races and picking up 2-wheel bike riding real fast. He has no problem going off-road on the lawn, or taking small bumps and lips on the cement. He’s pretty much a natural at this point and he *loves* it. He’ll ride back and forth in front of the house several dozen times and never gets bored. There truly is a freedom discovered when a kid gets his own bike.
One year old today and just a delight to have in the family. She crawls at a crazy pace and just loves going up stairs. She always rushes over to the bottom step and then turns around to make sure we’re watching. As soon as we make eye contact she’s off in a mad dash to the top.
She recently discovered graham crackers and just devours them with a grin. She loves talking and can say “uh oh” in the right context. She recognizes her name when called. She’s just a joy to have. Her personality is really starting to shine.
Well, it’s time to stay home. I’m actually pretty excited about the idea of keeping my kids home. They drive me crazy about half the time but that’s okay because the other half of the time it’s just incredible to see them become the little people that they are. Here’s to lots of playing and laughs and movie nights!
Winter is long, and exhausting and this weekend we had had enough. So we took off to St. George to stay with Kurt. Our first stop was the Train Park which is always a hit.
This morning as I was coming upstairs after taking a shower I saw that Elle had climbed in to Emily’s crib to keep her happy. I love my little girls.
My cousin Fran mentioned on one of my Instagram posts that the Gerber baby contest 2020 was underway. I thought “why not?” and entered this little cute baby. Hey! She’s adorable and the grand prize is $25,000.