A Day in the Life

A Photoblog by Joel

The best Gyoza I’ve ever eaten

May 21, 2019

Just a short walk from Kameido station in Tokya is a little unassuming Gyoza shop that served the best Gyoza I’ve ever eaten — some say it’s the best Gyoza shop in Tokyo. Kameido Gyoza Main Store. Usually there is a line of patrons waiting to get in, but we were lucky and managed to get in and get a seat right away.

There are only 2 things on the menu – Gyoza, and Beer. Shortly after sitting down you have a fresh plate of 5 Gyoza in front of you. As soon as you finish it, another plate of 5 is dropped in front of you. There is a 2 plate minimum, no maximum. Cost is ~$2.50/plate. There’s no loitering when you’re finished. And it’s freaking delicious. I crave this place all the time!

The entrance to Kameido Gyoza Main Shop
The unassuming entrance
Boxes filled with fresh-made gyoza stacked up to the ceiling.
These boxes are filled with Gyoza made fresh that morning.
Inside of the Gyoza restaurant, the menu on the far wall
A chef holding the lid above a frying pan filled with Gyoza
Group them by 5, and put them in. Pretty much every frying pan was going with Gyoza cooking at one stage or another.
A chef plating 5 Gyoza
Scoop ’em out, pass ’em out. Always hot, always fresh, and probably always gone within 5 minutes.
Flames coming out of a frying pan after water was added
Once you get the bottoms crispy, add some water to finish cooking.
5 Gyoza on plates stacked 5 high
$2.50 a plate x 5 = Happy Tummy

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