A Day in the Life

A Photoblog by Joel

Pumpkin Hunting

October 21, 2018

Several years ago in the spring my sweet mom started planting a bunch of pumpkins in part of her garden. Over the summer they grow and eventually overtake a large bank of dirt. Not being one to be satisfied by just big smooth orange carving pumpkins, she planted several fun varieties with textures and bumps and colors. We’ve made sure to keep that going over the year. Today it was time to harvest.

Family members look for pumpkins in a back yard pumpkin patch
Hunting for pumpkins is serious business. It takes a well-trained scout like Grandpa to find only the best.
A large pumpkin sits on the lawn
Carving pumpkins are great, but there are way more out there to pick from!
Two kids look at a worm in the dirt.
Sometimes when you pick up a pumpkin, you run off with a worms house.
A panoramic view of Alpine and Utah County with a snow capped Mt. Timpanogos in the distance and a family in a pumpkin patch in the foreground.
Sunday was a really beautiful fall day. Great weather, great colors. Snow on Mt. Timpanogos while trees change color in the valley.
Several pumpkins sitting on the lawn.

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