A Day in the Life

A Photoblog by Joel

Austin Photowalk

February 16, 2019

I’m down in Austin on 460 business attending the TOA Summit for the Texas Optometric Association. We’ve been working with the TOA for a little over a year now, and they’re such good people. It’s always fun (and kinda expensive!) coming to visit Austin for a few days. Staying right in downtown gives me easy access to get out and take some new photos. These are from my stroll on Friday morning. Shot in Classic Chrome with my 12mm F2.

Jump electric bikes in Austin
Las Chismosas Taco Stand in Austin, Texas
A scene of downtown Austin, with an older building painted in red
An alley lined with garbage dumpsters in Austin, Texas
An alley in downtown Austin, Texas
A man stands in the street while waiting for the crossing light to change.

So, fun story on this on. The other day at home I had Siri “play me something new”. One of the songs I heard was from a 2004 album by Marc Broussard. It was catchy so I added to my library.

Today on my walk-around I thought I’d give them whole album a listen. Lo and behold, as I’m heading back whose name should I see on some signage! Marc Broussard! Too bad he was sold out.

The signage on Antone's in Austin advertising Marc Broussard, Sold Out
A distant view of the State Capital in Austin, Texas
Firefighters clean an Engine in Austin, Texas

At a cabin in Kamas

January 20, 2019

We had a fun opportunity to spend a night at a cabin up in Kamas with Alicia’s family this past weekend. A huge winter storm had just wrapped up before we left so we were greeted with several feet of snow up there. It was so beautiful! And so cold. And so fun.

It was cold. It was snowy. It was a cabin in the mountains. What else could you ask for in January?
A long exposure on a cold winter night.
I was really hoping for a clear sky so I could get some really awesome star photos but alas, it was overcast and even though I took this long exposure in the dark of night it just looks like the afternoon.
I saw some cars coming down the road so I quickly set down my camera for along exposure. I thought it had finished and picked it up. It hadn’t finished.
Putting a kid-sized table around a support pole is a pretty great idea.
These two played with each other all weekend – so cute! Here they are wearing their backpacks and going to school together.
Esme. Elle. Isaac. Born ~4 weeks apart.
Puzzles are a fun business for Laura and Kate.
Puzzles are serious business for Alicia and Jen.
A snowy morning on the banks of the Provo River in Kamas, Utah on the way to the Wolf Creek Pass
On Saturday morning I got up early with the sun rise and went for a walk down the road alongside the Provo River.
Everyone loves breakfast. Except Kate.
Saturday morning found us all outside playing the snow, climbing around getting stuck, and having snowball fights.

Show Time

December 14, 2018
A smiling Elle laying on the floor
She is so cute
Elle laying on the floor watching a show on an iPhone