A Day in the Life

A Photoblog by Joel

Shaved Ice

June 13, 2023

Oremfest ’23

June 10, 2023

Or, inflation has hit small-town USA. Tickets to ride were more expensive, the Carnival Row games were $7(!) a game, food was more, booths were more… it was just a lot more money, and it kinda ruined the excitement for me.

LEGO Still Life

June 4, 2023

Emmett just loves to build trucks and trailers and overland rigs and anything else he can come up with that has 4 wheels. Or more. He gets really creative on suspension, and it’s really quite impressive.

Sometimes it just doesn’t work out

June 3, 2023

This weekend we had a quick overnight and all-day play-at-the-beach campout with some friends. The plans were to get there Friday after work, set up, have dinner, chit-chat and then go to bed. Saturday was supposed to be beach and water-play all day.

Except it wasn’t. There were a lot of bugs. There were a lot of prickly things from weeds. Nobody was really very comfortable. And so Saturday kinda … didn’t really happen. We had a good breakfast, but shortly after that the packing started and by noon we were all gone.

Sometimes, your fun times just don’t work out.

Playing at the Park with a View

May 31, 2023

Timpanogos is such a fantastic presence in my town. I’ll never tire of this view.

Timpanogos, East Side

May 31, 2023

Yellow Blossoms

May 23, 2023

Land Cruiser Heritage Museum

May 20, 2023

I’ve been a huge fan of Land Cruisers (and Toyota) since I was a teenager. In high school I drove an FJ40, I’ve also owned an FJ60, an FJ Cruiser, and now a Lexus GX470 (AKA Land Cruiser Prado 120). I’ve toured the Toyota factory in Aichi, Japan (twice)… yeah, I’m a fan. So is Greg Miller, the CEO of the Larry H. Miller Group – and he has the money to really do something about it.

The Land Cruiser Heritage Museum is the largest collection of Cruisers in the world, and it’s 45 minutes from my house in Salt Lake City. It’s a really cool place to visit.

Roller Coaster

May 19, 2023

This really awesome roller-coaster was in my parents basement for many years, entertaining all the little grandkids as they grew up. When my dad sold the house a few years back, the coaster made its way to my backyard where it was enjoyed for a short season. Then I got chickens. And they destroyed my backyard, for now it is a barren wasteland of dirt and chicken poop. Today I relocated the coaster to the front yard and now I am the envy of the neighborhood!

Dinosaur Footprints and Arches National Park

April 23, 2023

Imagine stepping in some mud, and being the last person to step in the mud, and then having people 165,000,000 years later find your steps in the now-stone mud. Well, we did that but it was from Dinosaur feet instead of Nike’s. Pretty fun! These footprints are a few miles down Willow Springs road just outside Arches, and if you continue going down Willow Springs road, you end up in Arches – but don’t need to pay! Pretty sweet, eh? The full road is about 8 miles and will take you 45-60 minutes to complete. You’ll need a 4 Wheel Drive as some spots are fun (rocky ledges) and your Camry just won’t do it. Eventually you’ll pop out by Balance Rock in Arches National Park.