A Day in the Life

A Photoblog by Joel

Snow Cold Sunrise

January 19, 2019

This weekend we spent a night in a cabin up with some family up in Kamas, Utah. The day before was a winter storm that dumped a ton of snow, so we were surrounded by 3′ of fresh snow. It was so beautiful. This morning I was up early and went for a walk down the road alongside the Provo River. It was quiet, cold, and quite beautiful.

A snowy morning on the banks of the Provo River in Kamas, Utah on the way to the Wolf Creek Pass

Winter Morning

January 7, 2019
A snow covered street early in the morning in Orem, Utah
My house
A snow covered street early in the morning in Orem, Utah

Costco Sunset

January 4, 2019
A vivid blue and orange sunset in Orem, Utah
I was leaving Costco the other day and the sunset was on fire. I had just bought my iPhone Xs a few days earlier so I now had the 2x lens. If you frame things just right you can hide the fact you’re in a bland parking lot.

Morning Portraits

December 23, 2018
Emmett poses with Cow in a rocking chair
Emmett loves his little cow stuffed animal, and that haggard blanket has been by him since he was a little kid. So cute that all kids just have favorite blankets.
Elle smiles in a rocking chair
Elle loves fashion, at least the fashion in her drawer. Today she wanted her super soft panda sweater … and orange basketball shorts. Great combo!

Show Time

December 14, 2018
A smiling Elle laying on the floor
She is so cute
Elle laying on the floor watching a show on an iPhone

Happy Birthday Alicia 2018

December 11, 2018
Emmett putting candles into a birthday cake.
Emmett avoided all the norms of the correct amount of candles and just put in whatever he wanted. The nerve!

Bricks and MiniFigs

December 2, 2018

Emmett and Elle love to go to the Bricks and MiniFigs store nearby here in Orem. Emmett just loves to find all sorts of useful pieces for his trucks and trailers. Elle isn’t quite as skilled as Emmett is, but she definitely enjoys putting the blocks together. 

Emmett showing me a LEGO he found at Bricks and MiniFigs in Orem Utah
Elle playing in the bulk LEGO box at Bricks and MiniFigs in Orem, Utah
A close up of bulk and scattered LEGO parts at Bricks and MiniFigs in Orem, Utah

Before the Sunrise

November 30, 2018

On my way to dropping off Sho at the bus stop, I couldn’t help but notice the faint pink coming from the clouds. I love how subtle color can be at times. Of course I had to pull over and take a photo.

Pink and blue clouds cover the sky in anticipation of an incredible sunrise

Sadly, I was inside for what happened afterwards as the full sunrise showed up. Thankfully, others snagged it. 

My Master Builder

November 25, 2018
Emmett is playing with LEGOs
I just love how much Emmett loves building LEGOs

Sick Baby

November 25, 2018

Elle has had a little bug the past several nights. Some of those nights were pretty rough, and Alicia did most of the heavy lifting. Okay, pretty much all. I hopped up once to help. Last night, however, went smoothly… until about 4:45am when Emmett came in to tell me his blanket was all messed up. So I went and tucked him back in, and then he talked and said Elle had a wet diaper, to which she popped up “dad?”, so I changed her diaper. And then I was up every 15-20 minutes after that for one cry or another, eventually getting Elle out of bed at 6am so Emmett could sleep. This morning, I’m tired. 

Elle sits in front of the window with a blank stare.
After about an hour she wanted to sit in her favorite spot and watch a show, but she did not want her picture taken. So I had to sneak a few in
Elle watches Paw Patrol Train Shows
After Bubble Guppies, and about 2 minutes of My Neighbor Totoro, Elle wanted to get back in the chair to watch PAW Patrol Train Shows on the big iPad.