Happy Birthday, Mom
September 16, 2023You’d be 65 today. I know you didn’t want to live to an age where you’re taken care of for most of your routine, but I’d like to think you’d be enjoying 65. Your kids are all doing great, your grandkids are growing up too fast and all becoming wonderful people. The legacy you and dad created is one worthy of emulation. I know there were family traditions you were longing to maintain and be a part of, like Christmas Eve, Spring Break in St. George, Cousin Day at Lagoon, and the ever-popular Sunday Dinner. However, there was a different plan in place for your life here on earth.
It’s been 9 years since cancer took you too soon in life, and yet we’ve all come to learn you were taken right on schedule. In those 9 years we’ve had the blessing and opportunity to learn about life after death, what you’re up to, and most importantly–you’re still Mom. You still care, love, and watch over us. You’re more involved in our day-to-day than you had the opportunity to be here. I’m grateful for the countless times you’ve hugged my Spirit, and lifted my thoughts when I needed help.
I’m grateful for all the little reminders you try and give me about the mundane in life, thoughts that pop in to my mind seemingly from nowhere; don’t forget to leave the house without that thing, maybe grab that item at the grocery store, pack some jackets for the kids it might get cold. You’re still Mom.
I love you forever, and I’m looking forward to that glorious day in the future when I get to see you again.

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