August 1, 2023Ten years ago everything changed and you were the cause. I was a few days shy of turning 34 when you arrived on the scene and made me a Father. Now I’m a few days shy of turning 44 and I absolutely love being your Dad.
Emmett you are so smart, and kind, and caring. I am so proud of you and just love watching you learn and expand and grow – although I wish you’d grow up slower! The years go by too fast. You are such a good big brother and son.
Happy 10th, kiddo. I sure do love you.

For Emmett’s birthday we rented a bounce house and invited a bunch of his friends over – it was a huge hit. The bounce house barely fit in the front yard but we managed to squeeze it in there. I think kids were slippin’ and slidin’ for 3 hours with a few short breaks for Otter Pops and Hot Dogs. Emmett got some great presents from his friends and then it was done! This was all done yesterday, on the 31st.

Today – his actual birthday – was a normal day until dinner time, where I let Emmett choose where he wanted to go for dinner. Anywhere, I told him, that he wanted. He chose Burger King. They have the best fries. Alrighty then. Off to Burger King we went! We had a good time eating inside.

After dinner we still had plenty of time, so I offered to take the kids to Macey’s for the best Ice Cream deal in town. Surprise! Everyone said yes to that idea.

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