Dinosaur Footprints and Arches National Park
April 23, 2023Imagine stepping in some mud, and being the last person to step in the mud, and then having people 165,000,000 years later find your steps in the now-stone mud. Well, we did that but it was from Dinosaur feet instead of Nike’s. Pretty fun! These footprints are a few miles down Willow Springs road just outside Arches, and if you continue going down Willow Springs road, you end up in Arches – but don’t need to pay! Pretty sweet, eh? The full road is about 8 miles and will take you 45-60 minutes to complete. You’ll need a 4 Wheel Drive as some spots are fun (rocky ledges) and your Camry just won’t do it. Eventually you’ll pop out by Balance Rock in Arches National Park.

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