Happy Birthday, Emily
April 1, 2023
You’re 4. You’re growing up too quickly. You love to talk–non-stop when you have the opportunity. You love stuffies and anything cute, and always have to take some squishy kind of comfort when you go next-door in the morning, whether it’s your blankie or a stuffed animal. You still love to wear dresses most of the time and I absolutely love that. Your little soul craves so much snuggling it’s sometimes hard to keep you happy with that, but I do my best! For the past several months you come in to my room at some point in the middle of the night and finish up your sleep in my bed. I hope you never stop (although when Emmett or Elle want a turn, you’re kind of in the way and I feel bad about that).
Everyone that knows you just adores you, and it’s impossible to not feel more cheerful and happy after just a few minutes with you. You love to play around–too much! In the morning when I’m trying to get you ready and you’re playing run-away it just drives me crazy. But one day you’ll stop doing that and I’ll miss it, so I better enjoy it while I can.
The day after your birthday you woke up and asked “Daddy am I still 4?” and I quickly said “Yep, you’ll never be 3 again…” and that just broke my heart. I love you little Emily!
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