Trains, Buses, and more Trains
January 4, 2020Today Emmett, Elle, and I went on an adventure. We started out at Orem Central Station and took the FrontRunner one stop south to Provo. The kids were so excited to climb aboard, and then head to the upper deck of the passenger car. Their faces were glued to the window the whole way.

After arriving in Provo we connected to the new UVX bus line and rode the bendy-bus to Provo Towne Center Mall. That was also fun for the kids, and it was a short ride over to the Mall.

Our first stop was the Food Court for some Pizza and BBQ. The Pizza was your typical faux-NY Style food court pizza, but the BBQ was great. On a sad note, right next to the BBQ joint was Panda Express and there were about 10 people in line while nobody was in line at BBQ. PEOPLE. DON’T BE LIKE THAT.

After lunch it was time to play and we headed over to the play area. But! There was a train! Of course the kids had to go for a ride.

Before too long it was time to head back home the way we came. Back to the Bus, the train, and finally home.

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