New lens, who dis?
November 23, 2018I kinda went on a shopping spree lately. Oops. I blame it on the 50-60 hour work weeks I’ve been pulling for the last 2 months. Wake up at 6/6:30 and take Sho to the bus stop. Then work on 460 from 7-8:30. Then go to work at SQRD from 9-5. Come home, have dinner and put the kids to bed, and then back to 460 from 8-11. Repeat. So, I bought a few things. A new vacuum sealer (how exciting!), a new lens (actually exciting!), and a HomePod which I shouldn’t have bought. — On Black Friday Costco and Best Buy had them for $250 ($100 off). Alicia was out shopping and I told her how badly I wanted one, and she said “if you get it consider it your Christmas” and I waited about 15 minutes before I went and got it. In the meantime she went to Best Buy and got one too. I feel like a putz. I should have waited until Christmas. I don’t regret the HomePod itself though, it’s pretty cool. Now I just need more HomeKit things in my house to take better advantage of Siri.
Anyway, this post is about the Rokinon 12mm F2 lens that I bought – it’s very wide angle. And also very manual. Which is fine. Set the aperture to F5.6 + and everything comes out sharp. Here’s a few photos I took on Black Friday at the mall with the kids.

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